WotLK Allgemein

  • Für EU-Tester sind derzeit keine vorgefertigten Charaktere geplant.

    Während die Tests weiter voranschreiten, sind wir zu der Auffassung gekommen, dass das Highend-PvP verstärkt getestet werden sollte. Daher gibt es einen (US-)Realm, der vorgefertigte Charaktere der Stufe 80 besitzt.

    Unsere internen Testrealms, (bevorstehenden) öffentlichen Testrealms und Betarealms für alle Regionen werden komplett ausgenutzt. Der Großteil der Tests konzentriert sich auch weiterhin auf die große Menge anderer Inhalte und diese Realms werden daher so beibehalten wie sie sind.

    Wir können natürlich nachvollziehen, dass viele auch Highend-Charaktere und PvP-Ausrüstung testen wollen.Wir hoffen dabei aber auf euer Verständnis, dass wir unsere Testressourcen auf alle Teile der Erweiterung aufteilen müssen.

    Quelle: Bluepost von Wrocas Link

    Die Leute vor der Tür spielen dann immer Raid-Bingo.
    Jeder sucht sich 5 Leute von denen die drinne sind raus und wer als erstes seine 5 tot hat, hat gewonnen.

  • Dürfte unsere PVPler interessieren!!!

    Lake Wintergrasp Daily Quests

    This is the first fully PvP zone of the game, it's only fair its daily quests are PvP oriented. Well 3 out of 4 is and they are nice and fast too. They are all available in the Fortress if your faction controls it or in your village close to the fortress if you're on offense:

    * For 620 Honor and 20.63g you need to kill 20 Alliance Players. This is easily obtainable since you need to re-earn your Private, Corporal, First Lieutenant ranks at the beginning of each battle in order to control and buy siege engines.
    * For another 620 Honor and 20.63g you have to kill 3 enemy Siege Engines. The big tanks.
    * There are some fire elementals that are used to fuel the siege engines for 10 of their essences you get 412 Honor and 20.63g
    * Of course there is a daily quest for winning the battle either by taking the fortress or defending it. The reward is another 620 Honor and 20.63g

    Winning Wintergraps currently rewards 7500 Honor and 150 Arena points. Adding the 2200 Honor obtainable with the 4 daily quests it takes just 7 days to max out the Honor pool with a half an hour spent in Lake Wintergraps winning 1 battle every day. That's great, no more brainless afk leeching in 3 year old battlegrounds!

    Die Leute vor der Tür spielen dann immer Raid-Bingo.
    Jeder sucht sich 5 Leute von denen die drinne sind raus und wer als erstes seine 5 tot hat, hat gewonnen.

  • Account Wide - Level scaled items !!!
    A new type of items has been added to the game.

    * These items are Bind To Account items, you can transfer them between characters !
    * These items scale with level, a level 1 character can perfectly use it and stats will scale accordingly !
    * In the current beta build, you can buy them with tokens from raid dungeons
    * They are not unique.


  • blizz ist echt nicht doof....das muss man denen lassen....coole idee....so macht es auch leuten spass mal n twink zu lvln auch wenn man im prinzip nur einen char spielt....;)

  • Hab was zum Schwierigkeitsgrad von der neuen 10/25er Instanz gefunden

    The Obsidian Sanctum, also referred to as Chamber of Aspects: Black, is a raid dungeon with the portal located under Wyrmrest temple in Dragonblight. The Obsidian Sanctum is designed to be a quick experience, with the main boss being of Naxxramas difficulty. Loot should drop off the boss.

    This raid is in an early, unpolished, state. Some of the mechanics and abilities are in early forms, but we want to begin to recieve feedback and bug reports on the encounters.

    We just hotfixed some new creature and spell attributes to the encounter, so I'm recreating the thread.

    This is the feedback thread for the 25 player version of the raid.

    Die Leute vor der Tür spielen dann immer Raid-Bingo.
    Jeder sucht sich 5 Leute von denen die drinne sind raus und wer als erstes seine 5 tot hat, hat gewonnen.

  • es geht los....sind fast 1gb der erste happen....lasst es also nicht erst am patchday starten...stellt den launcher so ein das er nach beenden von wow anfängt zu laden udn lasst den pc einfach mal ne nacht an...sollte ja wohl möglich sein....udn für die die gleich jammern ich mag aber kein peer to peer....blizz macht es nunmal so....;)

  • PTR 3.0.2 Now available
    Public Test Realms for Patch 3.0.2 are finally available ! The build isn't newer than what we've got on the current version of WotLK and you shouldn't see any difference between classes. Obviously, we'll list anything new here as soon as it is discovered and any difference if we find any !

  • Currently, there is an issue that prevents players participating in the Wrath of the Lich King beta from also participating on the public test realms. Our engineers are working to resolve this problem, and we hope to have it resolved by early next week.

  • That's it, the WotLK release date is now definitive and the game will be available in store on November 13 2008. The source is an advertisement on Wowhead, which also happens to be an official Blizzard fansite. It means :

    * We're now 2 months away from Wrath of the Lich King
    * Patch 3.0.2 will probably be deployed on live servers very soon, probably in mid october.

  • That's it, the WotLK release date is now definitive and the game will be available in store on November 13 2008. The source is an advertisement on Wowhead, which also happens to be an official Blizzard fansite. It means :

    * We're now 2 months away from Wrath of the Lich King
    * Patch 3.0.2 will probably be deployed on live servers very soon, probably in mid october.

    na immerhin lassen se mich doch noch meinen geburtztag feiern denn....;)