[SAMMELTHREAD] Cataclysm Allgemein

  • für mich als hunter war es nie das ziel im aoe so gut zu ein wie ein mage oder hexer......wozu auch?....es war früher immer so das der hunter im aoe scheisse war und im single target sehr gut....und genu das finde ich auch geil so....wir waren eben bosskiller.....und genau da kommt es drauf an.

    wir müsen nicht alle alles können....wozu dieses gewurschtel hinführt haben wir nun oft genug gesehen bei blizz.

    aber selbst wenn.....es müssen bm und mm im aoe gebufft werden und nicht alle 3 skillungen...so wird der sv gnadenlos abziehen....nicht nur beim hunter...sondern generell im aoe....allein die tatsache das der sv den z.b. unendlich lange aoe machen kann auf allerhöchsten niveau ist schon ungerecht jetzt gegenüber den anderen aoe klassen.

    und zu den spruch: alle daten und fakten kennt nur bllizzard.....den meinst du hoffentlich nicht ernst....das blizz teilweise absolut null plan hat haben se schon oft genug bewiesen....bei allen klassen. das einzige was man nicht weiß gegenüber blizzard ist das man nicht weiß was se wollen....aber naja...wie auch....sie wissen es ja teilweise selber nicht...;)

  • Huhu,

    der größte Witz an der Sache ist ja, dass sie mal vor hatten SV in der Fähigkeit AOE zu nerfen. Nerf kam aufm Testrealm.. wurd zurück genommen und auf spätere Patches verschoben... was kommt nun in einem späteren Patch? Richtig, kein Nerf, sondern ein Buff.

    Genau so toll... SV ist zu stark... SV wird in nem Patch generft und die beiden anderen Skillungen gebufft. Ende vom Lied: MM ist mit dem Patch stärker als SV vorm Patch.^^

    Ich versteh da garnix mehr. :D



    Je mehr Käse, desto mehr Löcher.
    Je mehr Löcher, desto weniger Käse.
    [ergo] Je mehr Käse, desto weniger Käse!

  • bla bla bla....

    Bloodthirsty no longer generates Happiness.
    Carrion Feeder no longer restores Happiness.
    The Feed Pet ability now instantly heals 50% of the pet's health. Cannot be used in combat. Requires diet-appropriate food.
    Guard Dog no longer causes Growl to generate additional Happiness.
    The Happiness/Pet Loyalty System has been removed. Hunters will no longer have to manage Happiness for their pets, and the previous damage bonus for pets being happy will now be baseline for all tamed pets

    omg...es war auch echt höchst kompliziert das system....die iq50 kinder haben es nicht hinbekommen...also weg damit.....-.-...oder mal schauen ob wir den hunter auch zur 1 knopf klasse bekommen. naja....auf der anderen seite war es eh nur noch beiwerk seit man das skillen kann.

    und das ist ja noch geiler:

    Glyph of Mend Pet is now Glyph of Greater Proportion, which increases the size of the pet slightly.

    viagra für hunter...*fg*

  • Zitat

    * All trade goods available for purchase with Honor or Justice Points from the associated commodities vendors have had their prices reduced by 50%.
    * Maelstrom Crystals are now available for purchase with Honor or Justice Points from the associated commodities vendors.

  • Oh, kann man bald wieder Affli spielen im PVP?


    Unstable Affliction Dispell Penalty
    We think the silence from dispelling Unstable Affliction is sufficiently punitive, but the damage may be too low currently - - that it isn’t scary enough to make it a decision to dispel or not.

    In general, it’s not our goal to offer dispel protection for every dot or hot out there, but Unstable Affliction is a spell and mechanic we like and we want to make sure it’s doing its job. Maybe a damage bump would be enough, but in any case it's an ability we're looking at.

    Mich würds freuen...

  • da ist der freeloot:

    Dungeons & Raids
    Bastion of Twilight
    The damage modifier on Normal has been reduced for Arion, Elementium Monstrosity, Feludius, Ignacius, and Terrastra.
    Removed one of each type of Bound elemental from the Ascendant Council chamber.
    Chain Lightning damage has been reduced.
    Health, melee damage, Health of Corrupting Adherent, Depravity damage, Corrupting Crash damage, Flaming Destruction damage, and Unleashed Shadows damage has all been reduced by 20%.
    Corrupting Crash and Depravity
    Halved the amount of Corruption they give to 5 from 10.
    Corrupted Bite effect caused by Blood of the Old God reduced.
    Damage Taken from Corruption of the Old God per Corrupted Blood has been reduced from 3% per stack to 2% per stack.
    Debilitating Beam damage has been reduced by 20% to 6,400.
    The duration of Twisted Devotion has been reduced by 25%.
    Dragon Siblings
    Health, melee damage, Twilight Meteorite damage, Devouring Flames, Blackout damage, Unstable Twilight damage, Twilight Zone damage, Twilight Blast damage, Fabulous Flames damage, has all been reduced by 20%.
    Elementium Monstrosity
    Electrical Instability damage has been reduced.
    Damage due to being Frozen while Waterlogged has been reduced.
    Health, melee damage, Fireball/Fireball Barrage damage, Furious Roar damage, Scorching Breath damage, Shadow Nova damage, has all been reduced by 20%.
    Nether Scion, Slate Dragon, Storm Rider, Time Warden, and Orphaned Emerald Whelp health has been reduced by 20%.
    Shadow Nova base cast time has been increased.
    Rising Flames now increases damage by 3% per stack, down from 5%.
    Harden Skin now increases Physical damage dealt by 20% (down from 100%.)

    Blackwing Descent
    Health, melee damage, modulation damage, Roaring Flame Breath damage, and Searing Flame damage has all been reduced by 20%.
    Modulation no longer causes Sound in normal difficulty.
    Sound given by Sonar Pulse has been reduced to 3 (from 5.)
    Health reduced by 20% and melee damage reduced by 10%.
    Chimaeron will now only cast two caustic slimes per 30 second cycle, at second 17 and second 23.
    Drakeadon Mongrel
    Time Lapse no longer stuns.
    Frost Burn silence is now 3 seconds
    Dwarven Kings
    Whirlwind no longer drops threat.
    Execution sentence now deals damage only.
    Shield of Light absorption now reduced.
    Damage and hit points reduced by 20%.
    Lava Parasites have been diminished
    Lava Spew damage, Magma Spit damage, Massive Crash damage, and Infectious Vomit damage have all been been reduced.
    Mangled Lifeless no longer instantly kills, and damage has been reduced.
    Parasitic Infection has been decreased.
    Health, damage, Aberation health/damage, Arcane Storm damage, Prime Subject damage, Flash Freeze/Shatter damage, and Scorching Blast damage has all been decreased by 20%.
    Aberration stacking damage buff decreased.
    Prime Subjects no longer fixate, and are no longer immune to taunt.
    Animated Bone Warriors take 33 seconds to fall over, (down from 50.)
    Blast Nova cast time increased.
    Chromatic Prototype Health reduced 20%.
    Electrocute damage reduced 30%.
    Fewer Animated Bone warriors spawn.
    Magma Stacking debuff effect reduced 75%.
    Nefarian health and melee damage reduced by 20%.
    Nefarian's Shadowblaze cast frequency cannot increase beyond 1 per 15 sec.
    Onyxia health and melee damage reduced by 20%.
    Shadowflame Barrage damage reduced 20%.
    Tail Lash damage reduced 50%.
    Omnotron Council
    Barrier absorb amount increased by 100%.
    Increased the cooldown on Power Conversion (Converted Power chance).
    Health, Melee damage, Electrical Discharge damage, Lightning Conductor damage, Health of Poison Bomb, Incineration Security Measure damage, Arcane Annihilator damage, has all been reduced by 20%.
    Flamethrower damage has been reduced by 40%.
    Static Shock caused by Unstable Shield damage and Poison Bomb damage has been decreased by 50%.

    Throne of the Four Winds
    Acid Rain now stacks every 20s (up from 15s.)
    Electrocute now pulses every 1s (up from 0.5s.)
    Feedback duration increased to 30s (from 20s.)
    Health, damage, and Wind Burst damage have all been reduced 20%.
    Lightning and Lightning Rod recast time has been increased.
    Lightning Strike friendly chain damage has been halved.
    Will no longer use Static Shock on normal difficulty in phase 1 or phase 2.
    Conclave of the Four Winds
    Gathering Strength cast time has been increased
    Ice Patch slow is now 5% per stack, up to 10 stacks (down from 10% per stack, up to 30 stacks), damage reduced by 20%.
    Rohash, Anshal, Nezir melee, Ravenous Creeper health/damage, Ravenous Creeper toxic spores damage, Hurricane damage, Sleet Storm damage , Permafrost damage , Slicing Gale, and Wind Blast damage have all been reduced by 20%.
    Wind Chill damage decreased by 20%and now increases damage taken by 5% per stack.

  • Ist doch logisch mit 4.2 sollen die Leute ja auch Feuerland und nicht mehr BD, BoT und ToT4W raiden -> also brauch man mit 4.2 das Equip aus besagten Raids fix für die Leute ;)

    btw: gibt es schon ein Releasedate für 4.2 ?

  • Zitat

    Hunter (Forums / Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
    Careful Aim now grants additional critical strike chance against targets over 90% health, up from 80% health.

    Bald sind wir wieder bei der alten Standard MM Rota X(