
Goblins and Worgens are the new races of the Expansion
I like catchy titles. In the last PTR build 4 new textures of Halloween masks have been added.

•2 of them are for Goblins masks - Helm_Mask_Halloween_GoF and Helm_Mask_Halloween_GoM
•2 of them are for Worgens masks - Helm_Mask_Halloween_WoF and Helm_Mask_Halloween_WoM

Even if the Goblin texture would make sense as an addition to the game, adding Worgens texture out of nowhere is definitely a sign that the 2 new races of the expansion will be the Worgens (most likely for the Alliance) and the Goblins.

I know that a lot of people will love to argue with that over hundreds of replies. I would just like to add that it usually takes a lot to make me post something on the front page and I don't think I've ever been wrong everytime I did. Hopefully Blizzard will react fast enough and add tons of new masks in the next build just to pretend that it was intended. (Suggestion: Pandarens please)

klar..noch nicht bestätigt..aber 2 gründe dafür:

1. das schnelle reagieren beim worgen pet. (das was ich auch schon gesagt hatte)

2. wie er auch schreibt....bis jetzt hat mmo immer recht gehabt mit vermutungen.

neeeeeeeeeeeeed goblins....


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